
What does Prana mean?

Prana in Sanskrit is translated as life force.  It is the never ending energy that resides both in and outside of the body.  The vehicle for balance of Prana is breath. Yoga teaches us that feeling exhausted is a sign that we have depleted our life giving Prana.  To rebuild our energy reserves we can seek refuge in Asana (yoga poses), breath-work (Pranayama) and meditation.

The definition of Prana highlights much of what we are striving to put forth at Prana Yoga of NPT.  We hope to create a nonjudgmental space for folks to experience healing, seek refuge in the practice, open, grow, lengthen, breathe and connect.  Our intention is to support ALL people whatever stage, age or page they are on with the loving guidance this practice so generously offers.

All of our yoga instructors are RYT certified and through varied work and life experiences demonstrate compassion, grace and authenticity in their teaching.